FAQs 2024

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How do I create my Just Giving page in The Big Ride Team?

    • We have two fundraisers this year. Gaza Sunbirds  and MECA. 
    • To set up a fundraising page for Gaza Sunbirds click  Gaza Sunbirds TBR Team page 
    • To set up a fundraising page for MECA click MECA TBR Team page.
    • The following instructions apply to setting up a fundraising page for either Gaza Sunbirds or MECA
    • Click Join team on the right of the page name under the graphic
    • Log in with an existing login or create a new one. (You can use FaceBook profile etc)
    • Click  Create a new fundraising page 
    • Click Get Started
    • Select Yes/No re fundraising in memory of someone
    • Click Just Fundraising
    • Skip the next question
    • Choose amount to raise
    • Personalise the title and why you are raising money (you can do this later)
    • Customise the page URL by replacing the numbers with something more meaningful (e.g. MECA or Gaza Sunbirds)
    • Add a photo
    • Click Finalise 
    • Check the details and click Launch 

    NOTE for  donors - Just Giving adds a 'tip to donations. Tell your donors that they do not have to pay this and can change the 'tip' amount to 0 - though they may have to do this twice as Just Giving will try to add it in again.

    PayPal - the donate process will take you to a PayPal button. You don't need a PayPal account - you can click the PayPal button then scroll down and pay using your debit/credit card without logging into PayPal

  • Routes

    What is the Big Ride route for summer 2024?

    This year we will be having a series of one day Big Ride for Palestine rides in different regions.

    Each ride will be planned and tested by different teams on the ground and will include the lead city mentioned in the ride name.

    The lengths of the ride will vary as the more urban rides tend to take longer.

  • Distances and fitness

    I’m only an occasional cyclist. Will I be able to ride 30 - 50 miles in a day?

    Many people taking part in The Big Ride are regular cyclists, but some riders are occasional cyclists who are determined to get involved in an act of solidarity for Palestine. People have managed 40 to 50 miles each day in previous Big Rides.

    It's not a race. We will take the whole the day to complete each leg of the distance and will be riding at an inclusive pace.  As long as you're healthy you should be able to do it but you do need to practice first to prepare yourself for the ride.

    Here are some training suggestions  to develop your cycling fitness.



    We strongly recommend that you get out on your bike regularly in the weeks leading up to the ride and get used to cycling more than a few miles at a time - try 10 miles, then 15, then 20, etc. You don’t need to be a fitness fanatic, but you will get so much more out of The Big Ride if you have put some training in beforehand.  There may be a group of Big Riders near you who you can go out with to prepare for the ride. This is an excellent way of developing solidarity locally. Email us with any questions you have on training, read our newsletter  use sites such as Cycling UK for advice.

  • Signing up

    Is there a deadline for signing up?

    You can sign up for the Big Ride Summer 2024 at any time until a week before your ride or unless the ride is full. 

    How do I sign up?

    Visit the Big Ride 2024 page here. This is a summary of the sign-up process:

    - Read the information on the Big Ride  2024 page and decide which rides you want to do. You will have to sign up separately for each ride if you want to do more than one.

    - Decide which rate suits you best.

    - Decide if you are booking for youself or for a group - but bear in mind that you can only book for up to 4 people on each booking and that everyone will need to be on the same rate.

    - When you have planned your booking, start the booking process. 

    - Do read the booking conditions, because they contain important information about cancellations

    Ordering a jersey

    You can order a Big Ride cycling jersey through our online shop here

  • Strava

    What is Strava?

    It's an exercise and fitness tracking "platform" (mobile app and website) with social networking features. Read Wikipedia's description here. The Strava home page is here. It's free to join Strava. A paid subscription is available - it gives you more features.

    Why is The Big Ride using Strava?

    Strava is a  useful tool which many of us have used  on past Big Rides as well as on Solidarity and Spring/Nakba Challenge rides. We're using Strava so that can keep in touch with each other through our riding, encourage each other and develop more solidarity between riders.

    How do I join Strava?

    Visit the Strava home page here for details. Joining Strava is optional, but it makes it easier to keep track of your own mileage and see how other riders are doing.

    What can I do once I join a club?

    You will be able to see who else has joined the club, where you are on the leaderboard, create or view posts (messages) and upload pictures. More details here.

    How do I use Strava?

    You join Strava, then either:

    - install the Strava app on your mobile phone and use the app to record your rides, or:

    - record your rides on your GPS device and upload them to Strava or synchronise ("sync") with Strava. You can find instructions for uploading activity data from a Garmin device to Strava here.

    How do I upload my Big Ride photos to Strava?

    See the Strava guide here.

    What about privacy?

    Strava has a range of privacy levels. You may want a higher privacy level than the Strava default setting and we encourage you to check your settings, whether or not you are already a member. More details here.

    Where can I get further information and help with Strava?

    Visit the Strava support page here.

  • Support on the Ride

    What support is The Big Ride providing during the rides this year?

    The Big Ride Summer 2024 will provide a well planned and tested route. There will be volunteer support vehicles on the ride which will enable us to help any riders that get into mechanical or other difficulties. We will have volunteer mechanics who can help out with minor mechanical problems. There will also be a team of  first aiders on the ride.

    We have a lunch break and morning and afternoon tea breaks. The Big Ride will provide snacks at the morning and afternoon breaks but you will need to provide your own lunch. Some regions will be organising an evening meal.

    What happens if my bike develops a mechanical problem during the ride? 

    We strongly recommend that your bike is fully serviced prior to The Big Ride, and that you carry two inner tubes in case of punctures, and a tool kit.  We can help out with minor issues such as punctures on the ride but you need to make sure that your bike is in good condition and that it has been adjusted to be comfortable for you.

    Getting bikes to and from the ride

    The Big Ride does not organise the transportation of bikes to and from the ride. This has to be organised by riders themselves. 

  • Bike maintenance and getting ready to ride

    How should I prepare my bike?

    Get it professionally serviced beforehand if you can, so that brakes and other essential parts have been checked out and adjusted. On the day, do a quick ABC BIKE CHECK, including checking that your tyres are pumped up firmly to the correct pressure (usually written on the wall of your tyre). It’s a good idea to use a track pump (floor-standing pump) to do this. Make sure your chain and other moving parts are well lubed.

    What should I wear?

    We’re a mixed bunch of riders, ranging from full-on lycra wearers to jeans and t-shirts. It’s important to wear clothing that’s comfortable for you, while being practical for cycling . Layered clothing is very good, including, of course, your beautiful new BIG RIDE FOR PALESTINE JERSEY, worn over your other layers if possible! If it's raining, you can always wear a Big Ride Hi-Viz.

    What do I need to take with me on the ride?

    We suggest:

    - A small rucksack or pannier - to carry all your stuff!

    - A sturdy lock (gold secure preferably) if you are going to stop and leave your bike anywhere for any time - bike thieves operate in all areas!

    - Two spare inner tubes, the right size for your tyres

    - Two or three tyre levers

    - Two spanners of the right size for your wheel nuts, unless you have quick-release (QR) wheels 

    - Hand pump that fits your inner tube valves - Schrader or presta valve (view descriptions)

    - Water bottle – or two in very hot weather

    - Food for refuelling - bananas, muesli bars, peanut butter sandwiches or other favourite energy booster

    - A rainproof jacket, just in case!

    - Hand sanitiser or soapy flannel to use if/when you stop to eat

    - Mobile phone, GPS or other route recording device, GoPro camera, any other devices linked to your social media feeds

    - Palestine flag and bike adapter if available

    -      Helmet and face covering or mask

    What if I get a puncture?

    On the big Ride we will have mechanical support to help with punctures but you must make sure you bring a spare inner tube with you to replace your punctured one.

    When you are practicing for the ride and  are cycling in a group, hope that one of you will know how to repair a puncture… but if you aren’t that person, why not learn now from a friend, or from YouTube? It’s a good skill to learn - watch HERE  and HERE

    (These show wheels with quick release fittings. If your wheels are secured by nuts, you’ll need to use a spanner to get the wheels off). 

  • Safe cycling

    If I sign up, am I covered by The Big Ride's insurance for bike theft or injury to myself or to others?

    No, you're not insured by The Big Ride.  You will need arrange your own individual insurance if you wish and if you're not already insured. If you join Cycling UK, you will be covered by their insurance so this is something you might want to consider.

    Highway Code

    We ask you to follow the rules in the Highway Code and traffic regulations when you're cycling - we want you to be safe and we want The Big Ride to be respected by the general public. We encourage you to wear a helmet when riding.

    We will give guidance and instructions on riding as a group as appropriate and we expect our  riders to follow our advice.

    Please make sure that you are familiar with the Highway Code guidance for cyclists

  • Fundraising

    Which charities does the Big Ride raise money for?

    The Big Ride for Palestine raises money for the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA). MECA does vital work tackling the physical and psychological trauma suffered by children in Gaza. 

    In 2021 we also fundraised with Palestine Riders for a children's cycle club in the Am'ari refugee camp. 

    This year we are working with Gaza Sunbirds as we did in 2022 and 2023 which supports para-cyclists and raises the profile of Palestinian athletes

    How can I donate to MECA and Gaza Sunbirds?

    Use the DONATE buttons in the header - see also the first FAQ on how to set up your own fundraising page..

  • Photos and videos

    Please do post photos and video clips of your Big Ride on Strava or social media.

    By sending us image or video files of you and any other people, you agree that The Big Ride can use them in social media posts, web pages and emails as part of records of The Big Ride 2024, and to promote The Big Ride generally.

  • I'm not cycling this time - can I still get involved?

    Yes! We are always looking for committed people to get involved with The Big Ride. 

    All of our regional rides will be looking for volunteers to help in many different roles from using their cars as support vehicles, offering mechanical and first aidsupport  logistical and roles including rider registration and support at the break stops. Many regions will also be looking for help at regional events.

    Email us here if you would like to know more.

  • Other Questions

    I’m worried about being called anti-semitic. How can I counter this - I want to support Palestine but no way am I racist?

    The Big Ride for Palestine is opposed to all forms of racism, which includes islamophobia and anti-semitism. Active opposition to the oppressive acts of the state of Israel is a responsibility, just as opposition to apartheid in South Africa was a moral and political imperative for many. 

    The pro-Israel lobby has tried to silence criticism of Israel by equating criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism. We oppose the actions of the Israeli state, not Jewish people. Many Jewish people have joined The Big Ride for Palestine each year as they too disagree with the actions of the state of Israel.

    How can a cycle ride help the Palestinian people?

    The Big Ride is more than just a cycle ride.

    It's an act of solidarity that is well known in Palestine.

    It raises funds for important sports facilities for Palestinian children in Gaza traumatised by their experience of miltary attacks and oppression by Israel's military.

    I don't see much about Palestine in the news. Where can I find out more about the situation in Palestine?

    There are alternative news outlets. These include:

    Middle East Eye

    Middle East Monitor (MEMO)

    The Electronic Intifada


    The Big Ride is not connected with any of these news sources. By linking to their web pages The Big Ride is providing information and is not endorsing those organisations, or any of the views expressed by them.

    Or you could join a campaigning organisation like Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Friends of Al Aqsa, or Jewish Network for Palestine, that provide regular updates on the situation in Palestine/Israel, and actions you can take to show your solidarity.

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